Tuesday, August 24, 2010

so perfect

If this were my studio, I would never go outside. It's so perfect.
In other news, I'll be back on the west coast tomorrow afternoon meaning that there'll be a lot of pictures. Fingers crossed they actually develop!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Smell ya later! Road-tripping to D.C. this week.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

home for the ol' tube

Amazing find at a farmer's/flea market. It was stained brown, but thought it might look better with some of the wood peeking through the brown. So we sanded it pretty roughly and then stained. It's so easy! Next time, I plan on coating myself with bug spray and wearing gloves so I don't sand my fingers. But, this was well worth the mosquito bites. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

brooklyn gang, summer 1959

Bruce Davidson can do no wrong. Oh, what I would do to own one of his books, let alone meet him. Check out his stuff here.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

the treehouse

So my friend moved into an amazing new house last weekend and we re-painted her room to a) open up the space and b) make it a happy room instead of the gloom-and-doom room it was before. Worked out great! We thought about painting one wall + ceiling yellow, but nixed it since we figured the landlords would be unamused by it. Two yellow + two white walls = perfect. All in a very literal day's work.

I also want to shamelessly point out that we fixed all of the prior painter's mishaps.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just discovered 216 Union. Their bags and totes are pretty great, but I'm really enjoying that they're branching out into lightweight (read: comfortable) shirts with sweet prints.

(in the unlikely event they read this, if they're looking for someone to clean up/organize their blog. i'll do it in a heartbeat.)
Come again? The Joule in Dallas, TX. I'd be interested in seeing some full/semi-underwater pictures taken at the edge of that pool.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No words. Other behind-the-scenes white house photos here.
This post is dedicated to Lyle. Enjoy Cupcakes could only be made better if it were a traveling mobile. Their about video is great, too. 'Cept I would replace husband with a friend and child with a puppy.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Matt had this one his blog. It's just one of those things that everyone needs to see.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Coffee has issues with me, so I can't really drink it, but I'd still get this just based on how good it would look in a kitchen. (más)